Friday, September 11, 2009

"It may be too late to write a new beginning, but you can always write a new ending."

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "It may be too late to write a new beginning, but you can always write a new ending."

No one is perfect, we all make mistakes in life. Some mistakes we get a chance to reconcile, while others seem to follow us forever. I have made several mistakes in life, mistakes which are now a permanant part of me like a scar that never heals. I can't change what I have done, believe me I have tried.

The mistakes I have made have been life altering in many ways. I have missed out on moments in life that only happen once. Most people take these types of moments for granted; but, if not held onto these moments can change your whole outlook on life.

My story began when I was 14 years old. I won't bore you with the details, in a nutshell I took my first sip of alcohol and was spellbound. This obsession with alcohol was the cause of one of my biggest mistake.

I didn't graduate high school on time. I never got to walk with my peers and go off to college like so many of my friends did. Instead I chose to party and drink my way out of school. I drank to the point that I would miss class and eventually had to graduate in summer school. The mistakes continued into my first and second attempt at college. Eventually I gave up hope of returning to school. I figured it was an unobtainable dream that I could never have come true.

That was 12 years ago, since then my life has changed. I decided to close the chapter in my life that involved alcohol. I instead wrote a new chapter to my life story in hopes of changing the ending that was outlined for me. I got married to a women who values education and pushed me towards getting back into school.

My mind now clear and goals now in place, I feel I am ready to finish this last chapter in my story of a quest for education that I let slip away before.


  1. that's wonderful. u took the chance to turn your life around and now you're doing awesomely.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. very good blog it is really easy to read and understand right away. Tooshay!

  4. You are absolutely right. No one is ever perfect in this life. All you can do is to do your best.

  5. Good life experience and you get a second chance in life.

  6. This is very moving! I totally want to learn from you beacause i spend so much of my life looking back at what i should have or could have done better or differently. Thanks for sharing!
    PS no way you graduated from high school 12 years ago! I don't Believe it, Nope! JK LOL

  7. Hi David!

    This is such an inspiring story! I like that you have made a comeback and are trying to acheive your goal!

  8. very inspiring tale, and i know how hard it can be to accomplish goals like yours. you've made it this far, so i know you will accomplish your goal of finishing school!

  9. I like you motto it is important to learn from mistakes and move forward like you did.

  10. David,
    First of all congratulations at coming back to school, unlike what some think it is NEVER too late. Also we all have regrets but only if we look at them that way. Sure we all could have done something differently, but we would of missed out at learning from our mistakes.
    I really liked your motto, the past is gone, but the future is in our hands and he have to make the most of it.

  11. Awesome motto. It's sad that too many people think that once they make a mistake, there is nothing they can do to improve the situation. Truth is, there is always something you can do.

  12. great post.your story inspires me to reconsider some chapters that i had closed.

  13. Hi David,
    I really like your moto. It honestly has helped me see that the negatives in my life can be changed or at least have a different ending. I am really glad your wife motivated you to continue your education and find pride in yourself for doing it.

  14. life is an exprience no regets no quetions. These expriences are usually supossed to put us in the proper position to succeed. Do not have any regrets, we all have expriences in life wether good or bad no big deal. You are now in a postion to really lift yourself up and prove to yourself that your more than just the previous or the next chapter. You an exprience that keeps moving on. An exprience that stays strong despite the situation. I know you will be succesfull keep it up.

  15. David:

    I really enjoyed reading this the first time when we worked on it in class. It is never too late to change for the better (or worse in some cases), destiny lies in your hands!


  16. cool david!it is understable and very important.I like what you wrote.

  17. I still say you are a hell of a writer. This story is still moving even after already hearing it before. Keep it up man!!

  18. I really like your motto. The ending is always in your control. You dont always have to start good, but finishing good is really important. Its not how you starts, its how you finish.
